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About Us

The Holy Innocents’ Foundation of Oklahoma is an outreach of the Catholic Community of Oklahoma City, in communion with the Archbishop of Oklahoma city, in obedience to the Magisterium of the Catholic Church, dedicated to maintaining a perpetual adoration chapel, promoting pro-life issues, ending abortion on demand in our society, and aiding in crisis pregnancies.


The Holy Innocents’ Chapel will be the front line of the battle between ultimate “Good” and the ultimate “evil” of our day: the Presence of the Lord Jesus Christ, in His Body, Blood, Soul, and Divinity in the Holy Eucharist, placed a mere 20 feet from the north side of the abortion mill in Warr Acres, OK, where the ultimate evil of our day is waged every day.  It is the hope and the dream that The Holy Innocents’ Foundation will aid anyone who is in a crisis moment of a pregnancy, and assist them in any way to avoid the choice of abortion and to Choose Life.


Further, the H.I.F. hopes to promote all aspects of Life and bring about a better education and evangelization on all aspects of the Catholic Church’s teaching on issues of Life.  We need your help to make all this possible.  The Holy Innocent’s Foundation is in its infancy.  We have secured our building next door to the abortion mill; it is currently being converted to make room for The Foundation, and to establish the reservation chapel in the south side – 20 feet from the abortionist! We have recently received the 501-c-3 status from the IRS, making all donations to the Foundation, tax exempt.


Here's How You Could Help Us!

  • PRAY! Ask the Lord to bring this project to fruition.

  • VOLUNTEER! To be an adorer in front of the Blessed Sacrament when Adoration begins. Contact to sign up.

  • DONATE! Time, talent, and treasure to make all this possible!

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